Context on the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature

On 28 September, 77 Heads of States and the President of the European Commission adopted the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature committing to reverse nature loss by 2030.  This is an encouraging sign of leadership in the run up to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) due to take place in Kunming, China next May. At COP15, governments are expected to adopt a new Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.  This framework will be the equivalent of the Paris Climate Agreement - but for nature - and it is intended to include goals, targets and policy directions for our global society over the next three decades that will lead the way to achieving the CBD 2050 vision of “Living in Harmony with Nature”.  

This is a strong signal from governments on why we need to place nature at the front and center of decision-making. Not only in order to 'build back better' but also to tackle the interrelated health, nature, climate and inequality crises.  However as several key countries have not yet signed the pledge, we are encouraging our partners and companies operating in these countries to demonstrate support for the pledge by encouraging these Heads of State to consider signing.  

We have developed a generic template letter, plus several tailored templates letters (Argentina, Australia, Brazil,  Egypt,  India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, Turkey) for companies with national offices and operations to share with Heads of State.  

Please only send letters if you think it’s appropriate and relevant for your organization to do so.  

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:  

Maelle Pelisson, Advocacy Director:  or 

Lucy Coast, Communications Director:  

Why are we inviting businesses to send these letters?

This is a way of building on the momentum from the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature and Business for Nature’s Call to Action that more than 600 companies with revenues of US$ 4.1 trillion have now signed up to. Even if countries don’t sign up to the Leaders’ Pledge as a result, it gives a strong signal about the growing positive business movement on nature.  

A few important pieces of information to read before you send the letters:  

  • These are template letters which can be amended for your organization.  However, the ask of the letter should remain the same which is to encourage Heads of State and governments to sign the Leaders’s Pledge for Nature.

  • We have included a draft tailored country paragraph for 9 of the letters that focuses on their efforts to protect, restore and conserve nature. We consulted our Co-ordination Group on this content for feedback, but please adapt as you see fit.  

  • We would only suggest sending letters to Heads of State or Governments in markets where you have significant offices and/or operations.  

  • Assess who is the best person in your organization to send the letter (e.g national CEO or representative, national subsidiary, global CEO...) 

  • To send hard copy letters, we have provided postal addresses to the best of our knowledge with the public information available.  

  • We have also provided email addresses (to the best of our knowledge and with the public information available). 

  • The letters are designed to be sent as private letters to the government, not as Open Letters to be used publicly. 

  • Please don’t attribute or send the letters on behalf of Business for Nature.

  • If you choose to send letters, please copy in Ministers from other Departments, as well as sending to Heads of State. It is important to engage politicians beyond the ministries of Environment to demonstrate business momentum and the need to mainstream nature in all decision-making.  We have provided these additional contacts, but it means you need to send separate copies of the same letter to each individual Minister 

  • If you do send letters, we’d be grateful if you could let us know that you’ve sent them and to share a final copy of the letter with us which we’ll keep confidential just so we know who has been contacted.  



  Template Letter

To: [Name and contact details of President / Prime Minister]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear [President/ Prime Minister],

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this would unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and deliver stronger, more resilient economies.

As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to businesses that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  List of countries which have not yet signed the Leaders' Pledge for Nature

Countries which have not yet signed the Leaders' Pledge for Nature
Afghanistan Egypt Mali Somalia
Algeria El Salvador Mauritania South Africa
Angola Equatorial Guinea Mauritius South Korea
Antigua and Barbuda Eritrea Micronesia South Sudan
Argentina Eswatini Mongolia Sudan
Australia Ethiopia Mozambique Suriname
Azerbaijan Ghana Myanmar Syria
Bahamas Grenada Namibia Tajikistan
Bahrain Guinea Nauru Tanzania
Belarus Guinea-Bissau Nicaragua Thailand
Benin Guyana Niger Togo
Botswana Haiti North Korea Tonga
Brazil Holy See Oman Trinidad and Tobago
Brunei India Palestine State Tunisia
Burkina Faso Indonesia Papua New Guinea Turkey
Burundi Iran Philippines Turkmenistan
Cabo Verde Iraq Poland Tuvalu
Cambodia Jamaica Qatar UAE
Cameroon Japan Russia Ukraine
Central African
Kazakhstan Rwanda Uruguay
Chad Kiribati Saint Kitts and Nevis US
Chile Kuwait Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines
China Kyrgyzstan Samoa Vanatu
Cote d'Ivoire Laos Sao Tome and
Croatia Liberia Saudi Arabia Vietnam
Cuba Libya Senegal Yemen
Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Liechtenstein Serbia Zambia
Dominica Madagascar Sierra Leone Zimbabwe
Dominican Republic Malawi Singapore
Ecuador Malaysia Soloman Islands



  Template Letter to the Argentinian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [Include full names and titles of other Ministers]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Argentina to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It is positive that with the support of the UN-REDD National Programme Argentina has established a National Action Plan for Forests and Climate Change that is developing policies for sustainable forest management, reducing the vulnerability of communities that depend on them, reducing deforestation and promoting forest restoration. Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Alberto Fernández, President of Argentina

Juan Cabandié, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development

    San Martín 451, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires C1004AAI

    (54-11) 4348-8200

Martín Maximiliano Guzmán, Minister of Economy

    Hipólito Yrigoyen 250, Buenos Aires.

    (54-11) 4349-5000

Luis Eugenio Basterra, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

    Av. Paseo Colón 982 CABA Argentina C1063ACW

    +54 11 4349-2000




  Template Letter to the Australian Government

To: [Name and contact details of Prime Minister]

CC: [Include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Australia to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It is positive that the Australian Government is investing $1.1 billion to deliver targeted national priority actions through the next phase of its National Landcare Program and to hear of the success of the 20 Million Trees Program. Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister of Australia

    The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600

The Hon David Littleproud MP, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management

    PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600

    (02) 6277 7190

Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance

    PO Box 6100 Senate, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600

    (02) 6277 7400

Hon Keith Pitt MP, Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia

    PO Box 535, Bundaberg, QLD, 4670

    07 4152 0744

The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology

    PO Box 409, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227

    (07) 5580 9111

Hon Angus Taylor MP, Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction

    PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600

    (02) 6277 7120

The Hon Sussan Ley MP, Minister for the Environment

    PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600

    (02) 6277 7920




  Template Letter to the Brazilian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [Include full names and titles of other Ministers]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] tto welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Brazil to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

As the world’s most biologically diverse country, the Brazilian government acknowledges the need to create a global financial system that recognizes the contribution of economic services. Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of Brazil


    Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco B, 5º andar, 70068-900 - Brasília - DF

    (61) 2028-1057/1289/1422

Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes, Ministro da Economia

    Esplanada dos Ministérios, Ministério da Economia, Bloco P - 5º andar

    (61) 3412-2515/1721

Tarcísio Freitas, Minister of Infrastructure

    Ministério da Infraestrutura, Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco R - Ed. Sede - Térreo, (Antiga Biblioteca), Brasília - Distrito Federal, CEP: 70.044-902

    (61) 2029-8090


    Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco E , Térreo, Brasília/DF, CEP: 70067-900 - Pessoalmente.

    (61) 2033-7505

TEREZA CRISTINA, Ministra da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento

    Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco D, 8º andar, Sala 816, Brasília/DF – CEP: 70.043-900

    (61) 3218-3518 / 3218-2800




  Template Letter to the Egyptian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President / Prime Minister]

CC: [Include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear [President/ Prime Minister],

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Egypt to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It was heartening to hear you acknowledge the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity in Egypt, the need to accelerate action on biodiversity and your commitment to the adoption of a post 2020 biodiversity framework at the UN Biodiversity Summit recently.

Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil El-Sisi, President of Egypt

Mostafa Kemal Madbouly, Prime Minister of Egypt



Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance

    Ministry of Finance Towers, Nasr city. Extension of Ramsis Street, Abbassiya, Cairo



Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment

    30 Misr Helwan El-Zyrae Road, Maadi , Cairo, Egypt

    (202) 25256452

    (202) 25256490

Hisham Tawfik, Minister of Public Business Sector



Mrs Nevin Gamea, Minister of Trade and Industry

    2 Latin America, Garden City, Cairo






  Template Letter to the Indian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President / Prime Minister]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear [President/ Prime Minister],

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy. In turn, this enables India to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

India has demonstrated leadership in meeting the Paris agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at national and global levels by supporting climate stronger commitments - through both the International Solar Alliance Initiative and Leadership Group for Industry Transition. Considering the rich biodiversity in India and the fact that 70% of its population is directly dependent on nature, it was reassuring to hear India’s Environment Minister, Prakash Javadekar at the UN Biodiversity Summit talk about India’s ambition to restore 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030.

Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India

    Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, 110004


Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

    Prime Minister's Office, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110011


    +91-11-23019545, 23016857

Shri Prakash Javadekar, Hon’ble Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change

    Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi – 110 003 INDIA.

    24695132 , 24695136


Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

    3, Krishna Menon Marg, New Delhi-110 011

    23383370, 23782691


Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance

Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce and Industry

    Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi 110 107 , INDIA

    23061008, 23061492





  Template Letter to the Indonesian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Indonesia to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It is positive that the Indonesian government already acknowledges the need to transform its current development model from business-as-usual growth to a more innovative approach that puts sustainable development principles that balance economic, social and environmental aspects. Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia

    Kantor Staf Presiden, Gedung Bina Graha, Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat, 10110

    +62 21 2354 5001

    +62 21 345 0009

Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment and Forestry

    Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok I lt. 2 Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto - Jakarta 10270, Po Box 6505, Indonesia

    021-5730191, + 62-21-5705086

Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Minister of Industry

    Gedung Kementerian Perindustrian, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53, Jakarta Selatan 12950

    62 21 5255 509 ext 2666

Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance

    Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, Manajemen Situs Kemenkeu, Gedung Djuanda I Lt. 9, Jl. Dr.Wahidin Raya No 1 Jakarta 10710

Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Minister of Agriculture

    Kantor Pusat Kementerian Pertanian Ged. A, Lt. 2 Jl. Harsono RM No. 3 Ragunan Jakarta Selatan





  Template Letter to the Russian Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Russia to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It is positive that over 25% of land mass in Russia is already legally protected and how these conservation efforts have contributed to growing population numbers of several endangered species including Siberian tigers. It was also reassuring to hear Mr Koblykin talk at the UN Biodiversity Summit recently about the role of indigenous peoples and why it’s important to preserve their traditional knowledge and experience in sustainable use on nature.

Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

    +7 495 606 36 02

Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

    125993, Москва, Большая Грузинская ул., 4/6

    7 (499) 254 48 00

    7 499 254 66 10

Denis Valentinovich Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

    125039, г. Москва, Пресненская наб., д. 10, стр. 2 (Башня 2) — экспедиция

    8 (495) 870-29-21 доб. 21476

    8 (495) 539-21-72

Anton Germanovich Siluanov, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

    109097, Москва, ул. Ильинка, 9

    +7 495 987-91-01

    +7 495 625-08-89

Dmitry Patrushev, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

    107996, Россия, Москва, Орликов переулок, д. 1/11

    +7 (495) 607-80-00

    +7 (495) 607-83-62




  Template Letter to the South African Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables South Africa to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

As one of the world’s most biologically diverse countries, the South African government has made progress to put in place policies that protect nature for example through its “Working for Water” program.

Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights, not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa

    Private Bag X1000,Pretoria,0001

    Private Bag X1000, Cape Town, 8000,

    Spokesperson to the President, Khusela Diko:

    Personal Assistant to the President Malebo Sibiya:

    Spokesperson to the President, Khusela Diko: +27 12 308 1450

    Personal Assistant to the President, Malebo Sibiya: +27 12 300 5271

    +27 (0)12 323 8246 ; +27 (0)21 462 2838

Ms Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries

    Private Bag X 447, PRETORIA, 0001

    Private Bag X9052, CAPE TOWN, 8000

    Chief of Staff Feroze Shaik -

    Private Executive Secretary Mamonkwe Sipilica -

    Chief of Staff: Feroze Shaik +27 12 399 9778

    Private Executive Secretary: Mamonkwe Sipilica +27 12 399 9141

    086 593 6526, 021 465 3362

Hon. Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Trade and Industry

    Private Bag X149, PRETORIA, 0001

    Private Bag X9047, Cape Town, 8000

    Personal Assistant Ms Tshegofatso Masoga

    Personal Assistant: Ms Tshegofatso Masoga 012 394 3797, 082 767 0299

    021 465 1291, International: +27 (0)12 394 0337

Hon. Tito Titus Mboweni, Minister of Finance

    Private Bag X115, PRETORIA, 0001

    PO Box 29, CAPE TOWN, 8000

    Personal Assistant Ms Mary Marumo:

    012 323 8911

    012 323 3262

Angela Thoko Didiza, Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

    Private Bag X250, PRETORIA, 0001

    Private Bag X9130, CAPE TOWN, 8000

    Private Secretary Nwabisa Kale:

    012 319 6000

    012 319 6681




  Template Letter to the Turkish Government

To: [Name and contact details of President]

CC: [include full names and titles of other Ministers ]

[Insert date]

Dear President,

I am writing to you as [insert role, e.g. CEO], of [insert company] to welcome and express support for the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature adopted by more than 75 Heads of State during the UN General Assembly. I invite and encourage you to sign the Pledge and provide a strong signal to business of the willingness and co-operation that exists to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, circular economy that respects the limits of the planet.

Businesses depend on a healthy planet to provide a stable operating environment, healthy customers and workforces and natural resources necessary for production – food, fiber, water, minerals, building materials and more. Nature also provides ecosystem services worth at least US$ 125 trillion per year globally and these services yield significant benefits. For example, through pollination by insects and flood protection from mangroves. Losing nature means losing these services, creating extra costs for businesses like ours. According to the World Economic Forum, US$ 44 trillion of economic value generation is moderately or highly exposed to nature loss and addressing the nature crisis could generate nearly 400 million jobs by 2030.

Before COVID-19, the need to create more resilient economies and societies was clear. Now, it is inescapable. Governments and businesses alike must value nature and the services it provides as we take action to ‘build back better’.

[Insert company name] understands that healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature and we have already committed to [insert one or two examples relevant to nature protection / restoration / sustainable use]. We have joined more than 600 businesses around the world with combined revenues of US$4.1 trillion calling for leadership through the Nature is Everyone’s Business Call to Action, encouraging governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss in this decade.

From a business perspective, the level of ambition in the Leader’s Pledge puts us on the right track towards creating a level playing field and stable operating environment, so that all businesses are required to do their part to safeguard nature for future generations. It gives us confidence to invest decisively and at the necessary pace to support the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

In turn, this enables Turkey to unlock further business opportunities and innovation, accelerate the uptake of nature-based solutions and emerge as an even stronger, more resilient economy than it is today.

It was heartening to hear you acknowledge the importance of a sustainable environment and your work towards a biodiversity roadmap to 2050 at the UN Biodiversity Summit recently.

Now, we’re asking you to build on this ambition. As the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report highlights,not one of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets has been met. As the pressures driving the unprecedented decline in biodiversity globally intensify, urgent action is needed.

Signing the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature demonstrates to business that you recognize the need for transformative change over the next ten years as part of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development. We stand ready to help you achieve this.

Only through collective efforts will business, governments and civil society be able to halt the loss of nature and begin to restore what we have lost by 2030. I hope we can count on your support to sign the Pledge, so that together we can create an equitable, nature-positive world.

Yours sincerely,
[insert name and role, e.g. CEO, CEO of national subsidiary]

  Contact Information

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey

    Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi 06560 Beştepe-Ankara-Turkey

    (+90 312) 525 55 55

    (+90 312) 525 58 31

Murat Kurum, Minister of Environment and Urbanization

    Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Eskişehir Devlet Yolu (Dumlupınar Bulvarı) 9. km. No: 278 Çankaya / Ankara

    +90 (312) 410 10 00

Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources

    Türk Ocağı Caddesi No:2 06520 Çankaya/ANKARA/TÜRKİYE

    0 312 212 64 20 – 7000

    0 312 222 57 60

Mustafa Varank, Minister of Industry and Technology

    Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Dumlupınar Bulvarı (Eskişehir Yolu 2151. Cadde No:154/A 06530 Çankaya/ANKARA

    444 61 00

PhD Berat Albayrak, Minister of Treasury and Finance

    T.C. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, İnönü Bulvarı No:36 06510 Emek/ ANKARA

    0 (312) 204 60 00

Bekir PAKDEMİRLİ, Minister Of Agriculture and Forestry

    Üniversiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Bulvarı, No: 161, 06800, Çankaya/ANKARAA

    0312 287 33 60 (PBX)


Questions? Contact us.